Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Texas Visit

It was a spontaneous decision. In early December, John had a week-long meeting in Albuquerque, and James and I decided to join him. We didn't really have a plan for our stay, except a probable day trip to Santa Fe to visit a friend. After landing in New Mexico (the flight was uneventful... James did great), we took a taxi into town. As we drove under an overpass for Interstate 40, I asked the taxi driver how far we were from Amarillo, TX. He said it'd take around 4.5 hours to drive there.

The next morning I asked the hotel's driver to take me and Munch to the car rental & hopped in a rental car. I called Uncle Jerry on the way. He said he'd coordinate dinner with everyone at Grandma's house.

It was an awesome trip. Too short, but awesome. James did great on the drives to and from Amarillo. We stopped a couple of times on the way so I could nurse him and made pretty good time. (Too good, you might say. I got a speeding ticket on the way back to Albuquerque.)

Here is a video of James meeting Grandma the afternoon we arrived:

And the next morning:

Being with family was amazing. I need to get to Amarillo more often.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thanksgiving in Missouri

Last month we made our annual trip to Columbia Missouri for Thanksgiving. We were lucky enough to have time with both sets of grandparents & little James got to meet two of his great grandmothers. It was a great visit & James was a champ on the plane.

Meeting Grandma Margot:

Meeting Grandpa Rusty:

Meeting Nanny (Holly's Grandmother):

With Auntie Courtney

It's been a couple of months now & Courtney is settled in the cottage out back. It's great to have her here -- although it seems we never have enough time together. I love this picture of the two of them.

Obama! (Yes, I know it's been a month, but I'm still excited..)

Obama is going to be president. I can't believe it. It's been a month now & I still don't have words to express my excitement. Munch and I went to vote together & had a great time. He wore his Obama onesie and they gave him an 'I Voted' sticker of his own.

I was so excited to vote. It's such an amazing and hopeful time in our nation's history. And I'm super-proud to be an American.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our Halloween (or lack thereof) and some VERY cool parents we know whose blog puts ours to shame

Check out one of the most clever Halloween costumes involving parents and child and a great series on teaching little Lucas how to sit up. This is (entertaining) filler as we find the cable to upload some more of our pictures and videos including more playdates (this time with JM's buddy Reggie - everyone should have a buddy named Reggie) and Uncle Alex's visit.

Our own Halloween was decidedly more staid. John worked too late and forgot to buy candy which meant Holly needed to hide in a darkened house in the hopes that trick-or-treaters would not stop by and be disappointed. Once John finally got home and bought 8 bags of candy, a grand total of three groups showed up (John got dirty looks from parents for encouraging the kids to take as much as they could carry) and John and Holly made themselves sick eating the leftovers. Oh well. There is always next year.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Jolly Roberstein YouTube Channel

Check out videos of James & his friends and family at

We'll continue to post our favorites directly to the blog...

Much love,


A playdate with Ella!

Here's a video of little James at Live Oak Park with his friend Ella and her parents. James at 8 weeks was the Benjamin to Ella's Mrs. Robinson, a vastly more mature 15 week old. We will see if these tendencies continue as he grows....

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hangin' with the Paci


Check out some pics of The Munch at

Munch - The Early Years

Welcome to our blog!

As many of you know, John and I are terrible about keeping in touch. This is our latest attempt to be better. It seems unfair to the world to continue this trend when we have the most beautiful little boy and can't wait to share him with all of you.

The first eight weeks with little James have been fantastic. He's a great little boy & we couldn't be happier and more proud.

We'll do our best to put up pictures & stories as we have them.

Much love to you all,


Holly, John & James